Early Birds Pre-School
Early Birds Pre-School is owned by Seaford Baptist Church and run by a committee including church members. It is also a member of the Early Years Alliance and is registered and inspected by Ofsted from whom we received an 'Outstanding' in May 2019.
Early Birds operates from Seaford Baptist Church where it benefits from the use of a large hall, a smaller child friendly room with access to an outside area, giving opportunity to free flow and explore a stimulating environment.
The Pre-school has wheelchair access into the premises, a ramp to the outside area and a disabled toilet.
Most children settle happily and quickly at the start of their time at Early Birds. Children learn through their play when they are happy and relaxed, so it is important that parents and staff work together to help every child to feel confident, secure and happy in the group. This takes longer for some children and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a little while to settle. We will do all that we can to make starting at Early Birds a positive and fun experience for your child. Settling-in-sessions can be arranged depending on the need of the individual child.
May 2019: Earlybirds have just been awarded an Outstanding Ofsted report. To read it please click here or click the logo below
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